

CHICK BASSIST celebrates chick bassists: Kira Roessler

Kira Roessler replaced Black Flag bassist Chuck Dukowski in 1983, redefining their sound with a prog-rock proficiency. She held the beat while Ginn and Rollins self-destructed, then split the band in ’85, going on to form Dos with Mike Watt, whom she married in ’87. Today, Kira and Watt are divorced, but still make music together. And Kira’s an Emmy Award-winning dialogue editor for movies like Sucker Punch, Twilight: New Moon, and John Adams.

Here’s a recent interview with Kira Roessler:

And here’s a full Black Flag show from 1984. Kira, rocking a Green Lantern T, provides a taut low-end tightrope for Rollins’ onstage antics.

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