

Throwing My Hat Into the Ring (and hoping it lands on a rocket)

Yesterday, author Bradley P. Beaulieu posted a hat-in-the-ring essay entitled “I Love the Smell of Hugos in the Morning. Smells Like… Victory.” It must be that time of year again, the scent of awards season is ripe and rich in the air. And you have to love an Apocalypse Now reference.


Brad is an outstanding writer, one very much deserving of your consideration for a Hugo nomination, not only for his novel, The Straits of Galahesh, but also for his excellent fancast with Gregory A. Wilson, Speculate: The Podcast for Writers, Readers, and Fans. Like Brad, I urge you to visit the 2013 Hugos website to learn what’s eligible, how to vote, and so on. But I was also flattered by Brad’s recommendation that you consider me in the Best Editor (Long Form) category. Thanks, Brad!

2012 was a very busy year for me. Not only was my rock-and-roll novella, Chick Bassist, published by Lazy Fascist Press, but I personally edited seventeen novels published in 2012 by Night Shade Books, and completed behind-the-scenes editorial tasks (coordinating edits and copyedits, making corrections, etc.) on another twelve novels (and one collection), not counting reprints. I also edited the anthology The Book of Cthulhu II and worked in many editorial capacities on Night Shade’s two “best of” anthologies and John Joseph Adams’ Other Worlds than These (to which I also contributed a “For Further Reading”) and the second edition of his Brave New Worlds.

And while I am no longer an employee of Night Shade Books, I am quite proud of the work I accomplished this past year, both released and as-yet-unreleased. So if you are a Hugo voter (or if you’d like to be one), and if you’ve enjoyed any of these wonderful books over the course of the year, please give the following authors and editors—and me—your consideration when submitting your nominations to the Hugo Awards committee. Thanks!

Novels Edited 2012:
Hitchers, Will McIntosh
When We Were Executioners, J. M. McDermott
Tooth and Nail, Jennifer Safrey
Enormity, W. G. Marshall (Walter Greatshell)
Jane Carver of Waar, Nathan Long
The Pillars of Hercules, David Constantine (David J. Williams)
Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess, Phil and Kaja Foglio
Faustus Resurrectus, Thomas Morrissey
The Straits of Galahesh, Bradley P. Beaulieu
The Croning, Laird Barron
Prepare to Die!, Paul Tobin
Alexander Outland: Space Pirate, G. J. Koch (Gini Koch)
Spin the Sky, Katy Stauber
The Constantine Affliction, T. Aaron Payton (Tim Pratt)
Rapture, Kameron Hurley
Swords of Waar, Nathan Long
Terminal Island, Walter Greatshell

Anthologies Edited 2012:
The Book of Cthulhu II, ed. Ross E. Lockhart

Behind the Scenes: Novels 2012:
Faith, John Love
A Path to Coldness of Heart, Glen Cook
The Serpent Sea, Martha Wells
And Blue Skies from Pain, Stina Leicht
Summoning, Carol Wolf
The Black Opera, Mary Gentle
Scourge of the Betrayer, Jeff Salyards
Osiris, E. J. Swift
The Eternal Flame, Greg Egan
The Tainted City, Courtney Schafer
Knife-Sworn, Mazarkis Williams
The Siren Depths, Martha Wells

Behind the Scenes: Collections 2012:
The Ghost Pirates and Others: The Best of William Hope Hodgson

Behind the Scenes: Anthologies 2012:
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume 6, ed. Jonathan Strahan
The Best Horror of the Year, Volume 4, ed. Ellen Datlow
Other Worlds than These, ed. John Joseph Adams
Brave New Worlds: Second Edition, ed. John Joseph Adams

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