

Can I sell you a book or two? Or three? Or four?

What are you reading these days? Something spooky to put you in the right mood for Halloween? Something strange and decadent, a debut novel to remind you that rock & roll conquers all? Something festive, succinct short stories to ward off winter’s encroaching chill and fill your head with visions of elves, sugarplums, and the walking dead?

No? None of those? Well, have I got a few good recommendations for you… Continue Reading →



Chick Bassist: Coming soon to a bookshelf near you

Lazy Fascist Press have published some amazing authors–Alan M. Clark, Blake Butler, Bradley Sands, Douglas Lain, Molly Tanzer, Riley Michael Parker, Sean Kilpatrick, Sam Pink, Stephen Graham Jones–and now, me.

Here’s the full cover spread for my Rock & Roll novel Chick Bassist, which will be hitting the streets just before Halloween! I couldn’t be happier to not only have had the novel edited by Cameron Pierce and a jacket designed by Matthew Revert, but to have the novel feature that cover photo, by Theresa Kereakes, featuring a young Lorna Doom, bassist from The Germs, which is a bonafide piece of punk rock history (and that back cover image is of the late Darby Crash sticking a toy gun into Lorna’s mouth). Wow! Continue Reading →



Notes on a Writers Conference and Imposter Syndrome

I was invited to be a presenter at this year’s San Francisco Writers Conference, something which still boggles my mind a little bit (but more on that in a sec). So yesterday afternoon, I drove down to the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel, at the top of Knob Hill, signed in, and participated in a standing-room-only genre fiction-focused panel called “Making Your Fantasies Come True,” along with editor Gabrielle Harbowy (who gave me a copy of her Dragon Moon Press anthology, When the Hero Comes Home), authors Ransom Stephens (a fellow Petaluman) and Pam van Hylckama, and agent and dean of San Francisco Writers University Laurie McLean. Continue Reading →